
1.まずは成分間相互作用を無視して各成分で3体力の効果も含めてのハミルトニアンを作る(弟1成分、弟2成分のハミルトニアンをH_1, H_2)。

It seems that there is something wrong with the nonlinear Schrodinger equation I use now for simulation of the dynamics of 2-component BEC solitons. In this equation, I don't take into account the coupling term which is due to the effect of the three-body interaction. However actually, I have to take into account this effect to construct the equation with quintic nonlinearity for the dynamics of 2-component BEC solitons(see arXiv:patt-sol/9812009). The procedure for constructing the equation is as follows:
1. First of all, I construct the Hamiltonian of each component including the effect of the three-body interaction in the case of without the inter-component interaction. (H_1, H_2 correspond to the Hamiltonian of first component, second component, respectively.)
2. Next, I construct the Hamiltonian which describes the inter-component interaction. (I assume this Hamiltonian H_int.)
3. The Hamiltonain which describes the system corresponds to H_1+H_2+H_int.
4. Finally, I lead the equation which describes the time evolution of the system by means of variational principle.